Sharks have a reputation for being the absolute savages of the sea, meanwhile whales, well, everyone loves them, don't they? 'Aw, lovely whales. So gentle, so majestic.'
It turns out we've got it all wrong, because these guys are putting the kill into killer whale.
A gang (or a pod, to give it its proper name) of killer whales have been captured on camera absolutely slaughtering a shark. There are even small calves joining in. Brutal little buggers.
Offshore Killer Whales today! Such an Awesome encounter!! We encountered these infrequently sighted Killer Whales on the 9am trip aboard the SeaWolf II. This ecotype of Killer Whales often travels in large groups and were seen about this time last December. We saw about 25 individuals and I was even able to get footage of them feeding on a Sevengill Shark with the drone! These whales are typically smaller in size than the Bigg's or transient Killer Whale type and they had several very young calves with them! So Lucky to get to see this!!!
The amazing scenes were caught by a drone over Monterey Bay earlier this week, right in front of a bunch of passengers on a whale watching cruise, which is either totally traumatising or the best thing they've ever seen.
And this isn't a one-off attack, Katlyn Taylor, an expert from Monterey Bay Whale Watch told the
Monterey County Weekly: "A lot of times when we see offshore killer whales it's hard to tell what they are eating. We hardly ever get footage to see what it actually is. They specialise in sharks, and probably some types of offshore fish. It's pretty lucky to see them."
This shark clearly got out of its depth and soon found itself in hot water (sorry).
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