Saturday 17 December 2016

This Lady Had Snoop Dogg As Her Secret Santa And She Got Some Good Shizzle

Someone suggested having a Secret Santa for the editorial team in the office the other day. This was met with a unanimous 'absolutely not in a million years' from every member who would a) rather not pretend we like each other enough to get a present and b) receive a crap gift that you would never wish to clutter your house with. Unless it's beer, don't even suggest it.
No, I don't want Mark McGowan giving me a 'Glory Days of Liverpool FC' DVD; for starters, I can't be bothered watching TV in black or white. Nah, I don't want James Dawson or Josh Teal (they tend to morph into the same person) getting me loads of Yorkshire Tea and Hovis; and nope I don't fancy anything from Claire Reid, Mel Ramsay or Pete Fraser either. Just like me, these people are not interesting.
However, if my Secret Santa buddy was Snoop Dogg, that would be immense.
This is what happened to lucky lady Erin who took part in Reddit's annual Secret Santa.
Here's the card he sent her.
In case you're squinting, it reads:
What up Erin,
Merry X-Mizzle to you and your fam!
Even a bo$$ lady like you needs to kick back and relax sometimes. Hope you like these goodies I chose for you. Keep ya head up and stay your grind in 2017.
Your Santa,
Snoop Dogg
Erin had this to say:
"Stuff like this never happens to me, like ever. I got a message from Reddit saying my Santa contacted them and told them my package had been shipped. I joked with my husband about it being a celebrity. Well, joke's on me."
Ah yeah, and Bill Gates also got into the act.
He gave the recipient an Xbox One Minecraft edition, loads of films and games and some Zelda goodies, along with a few other things. But not a million quid it seems.

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