Tuesday 27 December 2016

Lad Sacrifices Family's Christmas Presents For A Much Better Cause

Trying to come up with gift ideas for family is an absolute nightmare. You never know what to get them, and generally you end up wasting money on something that they never use because: a) you're terrible at buying gifts and b) you don't know them well enough to pick them something they'd like anyway.
Danny decided that he wanted to do something different for Christmas. He sat down and thought about those people who won't be spending their Christmas Day all cosy in front of the fire surrounded by loved ones - the homeless. He took the cash he would've spent on their trinkets and instead went out and bought bacon, bread, biscuits, crisps, dog food and dog bowls (for the homeless dogs).
When Danny was informed that he was this week's LAD of the Week, he was more than a little bit shocked. He said: "This video was only intended for family and friends to see as a Christmas present, so I totally wasn't expecting anything like this to happen!"
Explaining why he decided to do something a bit different, he said: "I had a bit of a realisation a couple of months ago that I only ever tend to buy shit novelty gifts for Christmas, so I thought there's got to be a better way of spending the money. So, I came up with this idea and decided to go for it, and luckily the family absolutely loved it, even though, ultimately, they didn't get anything."
The all-important question, though, did his family like it? "My family absolutely loved it," he said. "The best reaction I got was from my nan. As soon as I showed her what I did, she gave me some money and told me to go buy some more dog food and get back out there which I did do, but I couldn't find anymore dogs out on the streets, so I ended up donating the spare food to an animal shelter."
The homeless people who benefited from his generosity were very appreciative of his selfless gesture. Danny said: "For some of the guys in the video, all I gave them was a sandwich and a blanket, and they were acting as if they'd just won the lottery. It was amazing to see how much small things like this meant to them; it's something that I'm never gonna forget."

Christmas is definitely a time for being generous and selfless. We asked Danny what he'd say to someone else who's thinking of doing something similar. He replied: "I would urge everyone to go out and do something. It doesn't have to be strictly for the homeless like I did, you could go volunteer or go to an animal shelter or something, anything to help others who need it."
How awesome is Danny? He's pretty embarrassed about the whole thing (and asked for his surname to not be included) but we bought his video and he insisted that the money went to charity.
Top lad.

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